_ __ _________________ __ _ _ _ /\_\ _) (_ /_/\ _ _ _\/_/ | A I O | \_\/_ Y |___ |___ Y ______| \ ___/\_________| \ \______ / \__ __/\______ / __/. ! \__/. \__/. |/ \__ \_::. _ _/::. _/::. _/ /_____|_____\_______\___________\ | -nM$| __ | amiga@thefree.net | __ ___\/_ |_ _| _\/___ \ /\/ ) ( \/\ / \/ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ \/ http://www.amiga1.demon.co.uk/aio/ Yes, its true! Amiga Information Online have interviewed the main man, Petro Tyschtschenko. You can read the interview on the AIO web site or download the issue with the interview in. Below are the following ways in which to see this EXCLUSIVE AIO interview. Online version : ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ URL - http://www.amiga1.demon.co.uk/aio/ Magazine version : ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ URL - http://www.amiga1.demon.co.uk/aio/aiodl.htm Aminet:Docs/Mags/AIOV22.lha Subscribe : ~~~~~~~~~~~ If you would like to subscribe to AIO for 6 issues send just £6 UKP either cheque payable to 'Chris Seward' or cash at your own risk, to :- Chris Seward, 10 Scafell Close, Eastham, Wirral, Merseyside, L62 9EU. If you live outside the UK please email us for subscription details, eMail : amiga@thefree.net Mailing list : ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AIO currently has a mailing list called JUST-AMiGA with around 180 members already connected. If you would like to join please visit :- http://www.onelist.com/subscribe.cgi/just-amiga to sign up. IRCnet : ~~~~~~~~ If you would like to talk to the editor of Amiga Information Online on IRC you can find him using the name AIOeditor on the channel #amos